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Assembly - Deconstruction of Heavy Industry in Helguvík

April 4 at 17:30-19:30
Deconstruction of Heavy Industry in Helguvík - An assembly will be held on April, 4, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, at Reykjanes Art Museum.
The assembly will address the situation of the factory in Helguvík and the site in relation to the community, the sustainability and protection of nature in the area and imagined futures.
Among the participants: Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson, The Magic Team, the local activist group Opponents of Heavy Industry in Helguvík, the environmental activist and former director of Landvernd Auður Önnu Magnúsdóttur, the organisation Landvernd, the economist Ásgeir Brynjar Torfason, the architect Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, other environmental activists, , the mayor of Reykjanesbær Kjartan Már Kjartansson, people living in and around Reykjanesbær and curator Jonatan Habib Engqvist.
All members of parliament and ministers of the Icelandic government will be specially invited to attend the assembly.
We encourage people to participate. Everyone is welcome!


Listasafn Reykjanesbæjar
