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Why the state of emergency affecting part of Reykjanes doesn’t mean you should cancel your Iceland trip

UPDATE: There are no active volcanoes in the area. This blog will be updated accordingly.

A day in Reykjanes

The Cultural Heritage of Reykjanes

Three Hidden Gems of the Reykjanes Peninsula

Birdwatching Paradise: Avian Diversity in the Reykjanes Peninsula

Photography Guide: Capturing the Beauty of the Reykjanes Peninsula

Reykjanes Lighthouse: Guiding Ships Along Iceland's Coastline

Image from tonight. Source:, Ragnar Visage

An eruption has started by Mt. Hagafell

All safety and security measures have been taken. Please view from a safe distance.

Welcome to Rumbling Reykjanes

An introduction to our new blog series on the eruptions and earthquakes that are taking place on the Reykjanes peninsula

Why Is Reykjanes A Hotspot for Earthquakes and Eruptions?

Rumbling Reykjanes Part 2 of our blog series on earthquakes and eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsula
Overview of the new roads.

Road towards Grindavik and the Blue lagoon open

A new road has been laid over the new lave giving visitors the possibility of visiting the Blue Lagoon
The eruption seen from Ásbrú, Reykjanesbær.

New eruption has started